
First Love.

First Love - James Patterson

First Love
von James Patterson

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

“I think about what I didn't say then, which is this: the stars we see aren't even real stars. We see the light that they gave off millions of years ago but that is only now reaching our eyes. We don't see a star as much as a memory.”

I'm not sure how to review this book, so here is my ramble. This book started out adorable and young adult-ish. The familiar good girl with a crush on her best friend that could charm an angry wasp with a crooked smile. Then somewhere around page 100 it became something else, sort of outlandish and Bonnie & Clyde. Then suddenly it was The Fault in Our Stars.

Sixteen year old Axi Moore decided it was time to stop being the good girl and time to live life and go on an adventure. Her best friend Robinson couldn't believe that, Axi was capable of being anything other than a good girl (GG) which he nicknamed her, but he would soon be proven wrong. Together the two of them set off on a road trip where they would discover a world they never knew existed and do things they only dreamed of.

Not really sure how I felt about this book. I did like the plot just wish it was written different.