
Fixed #2.

Found in You - Laurelin Paige

Found in You
von Laurelin Paige

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

"I need you to know that I'm trying and I'm not going to stop trying until I get there. Do you hear me? Don't give up on me."

In this follow-up of the first book,  Fixed On You, Hudson and Alayna are put to the test as secrets are revealed and their new relationship is taken to the next level.

The couple in this series is not your run of the mill conventional couple that are in most romance books. Instead, they are two people that have major skeletons in their closets, and are what most people would call disfunctional. The biggest hurdle in this story was the things that Hudson and Alayna were keeping from each other. Like always with hiding things and lying; they always lead to more lies and a deeper hole is usually dug. This was most definitely the case for these two, and in Alayna's mind her guilt began to eat away at her.

I must admit to skimming through parts of this just to get to the big scene that I knew had to be coming. What with all the deceit, omissions, and lying...

Just like Fixed On You, Found In You is a fast pace, steamy read with lots of mystery. Which goes right along with the story because by the end of the book we are only on week 3-4 of Hudson & Alyana meeting and becoming a couple. So much happens in this short span of time that in real life it seems a little unrealistic.

I am holding out hope that all of the issues with book two will be explained away in book three and Alayna is able to retain a bit of the backbone she developed at the end of Found in You.