
Funny romance

The Last - Tawna Fenske

The Last
von Tawna Fenske

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

I recently finished the "First Impression" series by Tawna Fenske and became a huge fan of her writing. So I have been very excited to get an early copy of her newest book. "The Last" is the third part in a series and I haven't read the pervious books but it can easily be read as a standalone. I never had the feeling that I missed out on information.

Sarah and Ian have been friends in college but only kept light contact over the past 10 years. Even though they made a pact in college that if both are still single at 30, they will marry each other. On Sarahs birthday they get back in contact and suddenly Ian is standing on her doorstep.

I really enjoyed this romance as Sarah and Ian were working really well together. They had a great chemistry and I liked their loose relationship.
The book also has some hilarious scenes which made me cry tears. I really love romance with a good humour part.

As this is the last book in the series, I will defintely check out the previous books.