

A Million Guilty Pleasures - C. L. Parker

A Million Guilty Pleasures
von C. L. Parker

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

"...but then I did the unthinkable. I fell in love with her."

A Million Guilty Pleasures, book 2 of 2. The conclusion to the Million Dollar Duet.

A Million Guilty Pleasures picks up right where the first book left off. Noah and Laine’s story continues as they are trying to define what they mean to each other and try to figure out how and if they can work in the real world.

This is not a book that will have you searching your soul for a deeper meaning, no this is one extremely sexy, laugh out loud, hilariously spectacular fun read.

With her signature style of writing C.L. Parker takes us deeper into the relationship and we get to see it unfold right before our very eyes. Where we find circumstances trying to pull them apart and real life rearing its ugly head.

The most beautiful love story begin with a bang and end quietly in their own happily ever after. This story is no exception. It might not be life-changing or earth shattering, but it was sexy, entertaining and unapologetically funny.