
Good enough

Later -

von Stephen King

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

Decent read, but not really oustanding among the long list of books by the author.

This was an unusually short book by the author, and maybe that's one of the reasons that while I did enjoy reading it, I did not love it as much as his other works that have accompanied me over the last decades. It's hard to describe, but 'Later' felt like a too fast strike that was not given enough time and effort to mature into something of its own. The feeling of 'been there, read that' was too overwhelming and smothered all hopes at discovering a unique 5-star tale. Storytelling and character-building were as strong and engaging as ever and I felt right at home reading it - maybe too much so this time - so that compared to the author's other works I've read (I really lost track by now) this one is among the also-rans.