
I completely and utterly Loved this book!!!

More Than This
von Jay McLean

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

"Because I need to know. I need to know how she feels and what she wants from me, from this. If she wants to be MORE THAN THIS."

This book hooked me from the start and I couldn’t put it down. This is a sad but oh so sweet story.

Jake and Mikayla meet under horribly embarrassing circumstances, nevertheless they bond and by the end of the night whether they realize it or not they are tied to each other for life. 'More Than This'  at its heart, was a modern day fairytale about a girl and a boy. And, as all good fairytales do, it starts with a tragedy. Well, actually two tragedies. The first is the catalyst for Mikayla and Jake’s chance meeting. The second is what both keeps them together, and threatens to tear them apart. I don't want to tell you too much about how they met and how they fell in love because I think that will spoil so much of their story.

Jay McLean did such a wonderful job depicting their pain, sorrow, joy, and intense chemistry. I loved their chemistry. Their commitment to each other was felt on every sentence, every page. All the characters were well developed and the author took great care with building their relationship. We were on their journey with them. We were with Kayla as she went through the different stages of grief and we were with Jake as he was her rock. He was so patient and understanding with her.

'More Than This' is one of those books that will leave you experiencing a plethora of emotions. I went from being utterly devastated and gutted, to laughing, to swooning, to shock and finally having a whole and happy heart. It was definitely not an easy journey but the most beautiful ones never are.

I truly loved this book and am looking forward to Logan’s story in the next book. There wasn't much not to love about this author and her writing style, I for one feel hooked and I'm hoping to love the rest of the series just as much.

'More Than This' was so much more than I expected.