
I recommend this series.

A Million Dirty Secrets - C. L. Parker

A Million Dirty Secrets
von C. L. Parker

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

Published fanfiction. This is a fanfiction novel based on Twilight. I will be honest and say that I love Twilight and that I enjoy reading a fanfiction if it's well written. There isn't that much similarities with Twilight when it comes to the plot. I'd say that it's more a Edward and Bella with a Pretty Woman twist.

Noah Crawford the multimillionaire entrepreneur, has survived catastrophes. Deaths, backstabbing, infidelity. His remedy? Purchase a virgin in an auction and present her as his girlfriend for the next two years.

Delaine, Lanie, Talbot is living her own catastrophe. A dying mother, a devoted father and some thousands in debt. Her solution? Auction off her body and contract her virginity to the highest bidder.

Lanie was in trouble and needed the money and Noah had his heart broken and was looking for a companion to fulfill his needs no strings attached except a 2 year commitment to own her body. They were both in denial during their back and forth bantering, but you could tell as a reader that their feelings were both blossoming something neither of them expected or possibly wanted out of this 2 year transaction.

The story is great and even though this is an erotic book, there were some funny scenes that made me laugh. I must say over all I was pleasantly surprised on how much I enjoyed reading this book. Looking forward to the conclusion in A Million Guilty Pleasures. I highly recommend this book.