
I was highly disappointed in this book.

The Memory Keeper's Daughter - Kim Edwards

The Memory Keeper's Daughter
von Kim Edwards

Bewertet mit 2 Sternen

"A moment might be a thousand different things."

I really did not like this book- the plot had some great potential, but instead you got to witness one scene of frustrated people not knowing how to deal with their emotions after another.

Really, it's one of those books that has an interesting premise, but doesn't go anywhere. The interesting premise is this: a couple has twins and the father sneaks away with the one twin who has Downs Syndrome. The mother doesn't know about this baby and the baby is raised by the father's coworker. Well,  after the initial birth scene, which is good, nothing happens for 200 pages. The author drags you through the book, dangling the moment that the mother finds out about her daughter in front of you.

I began to care less and less about the characters, but stayed with the book because it was interesting to see where it went and I had already invested so much time in reading it. There were too many long descriptions of things that didn't matter to me, and no matter how hard I tried, I didn't get to know the characters in the way I thought I should.

I didn't really care about any of the characters very much in the end, if at all, and I think that's what really soured me on this book.

I struggled to finish this book, and I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.