
It's just a campire ghost story, isn't it?

The Moor - Sam Haysom

The Moor
von Sam Haysom

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

Enjoyable story-line with a nice twist, but I could not completely immerse myself in the book.

When I started reading the book, I was not sure what to expect and what direction the story would take. It started promising enough when a group of boys and one father set off for a hiking trip. We get to know the boys: Gary the loudmouth, the plain James Gary calls friend but likes to pick upon, the popular athlete Tom, and the average Matt who just tags along without adding much. Then there is shy Tim, who is the new boy in town, and his father Mr. Stevens, who seems nice enough, but tells a weird story about the local legend of the moor and why so many people disappear there. Of course, Gary instantly jumps to the occasion and plans to play a trick on James, who is already scared. Soon after, things really get scary and the first boy gets lost...

After that first part of the book, which builds a nice suspenseful atmosphere, step by step the secret behind the disappearances is revealed, while at the same we learn more about the Stevens family and their past. The main story is told in flashbacks, while in the present time we accompany a grown-up Matt on his journey to his childhood home, where he intends to bring an end to the evil that stalks the moor.

Part coming-of-age, part creature horror, 'The Moor' has all the necessary ingredients for a great novel, but I never got especially close to any of the boys and felt more like a distant observer, not completely sharing their excitement or losing myself in the scary atmosphere. However, I did enjoy the story-line, the unexpected turn of events and the final denouement.

(Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)