
Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating.

Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating - Christina Lauren

Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
von Christina Lauren

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

“I realize that finding the perfect person isn’t going to be easy for me because I’m a lot to take,” she says, “but I’m not going to change just so that I’m more datable.”

Christina Lauren have once again, created a story that I have fallen head over heels in love with! Josh & Hazel's Guide to not Dating is a hilariously funny, silly and sweet ”friends-to-lovers”, romantic comedy.

Hazel Bradford is a bit of a weirdo, and I mean that in the best way possible. She knows she can be a lot to take, she gets it. She's fun, loud, a little crazy and a lot of amazing. When she meets Josh Im in college, she's got a bit of a crush, but Josh seems to be right there in the middle of all her embarrassing moments. Josh is very much the opposite of Hazel. He's mellow, cool, calm, and collective.

Fast forward years after college and Hazel becomes besties with a girl named Emily. She soon finds out that Emily is Josh Im's sister. Josh and Hazel are back in each other's lives and Hazel is determined that they become best friends. Josh is at a place where he could use a best friend, so even as different as these two are, they end up spending all their free time together and this unlikely pair just clicks.

Hazel and Josh were both such endearing and fantastic characters and I loved their connection and chemistry. I was completely entertained while reading this. Hazel’s character was a breath of fresh air and her voice drew me in. I loved her idiosyncrasies and honesty. Josh’s character was a nice contrast to Hazel’s. I loved all of the animals and other quirky little bits added in. While I knew where things were headed the whole time, Hazel’s character kept me invested in reading.

When one starts reading a romance novel by my favorite duo Christina Lauren, one should know that you will forever love the story no matter what.

Beautifully told with some pretty darn amazing characters! This book had it all... humor, romance, friendship, family, pets, food, and sizzle! Absolutely recommend to fans of this writing team, and if you aren’t a fan already pick this book up and you will become one! Definitely add this to your TBR if you're looking for some healthy romance that has equal parts cuteness and steaminess. I adored it thoroughly.