
Lächerliche Zukunftsvision

Erasing Time - C. J. Hill

Erasing Time
von C. J. Hill

Bewertet mit 2 Sternen

This book has been another struggle in my reading week.
The plot was illogical and dumb. There were so many things which didn't make sense at all. We are 400 years in the future where the twins were travelled into with a time machine. Despite having the knowledge and technology to built a time machine, they don't seem to know much about the past. At least this is developing some funny scenes, though I wasn't sure if this was planned or not. 
The cultural changes are pretty ridiculous. The book sometimes reminded me of a trashy tv-production.

The characters are just dumb and shallow. The twins aren't even irritated when they are accidently transported into the future.

I didn't expect the twist at the end and I did have to laugh a few times, so I am giving this 2 stars instead of one.