
Loved it

Down & Dirty - Tracy Wolff

Down & Dirty
von Tracy Wolff

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

I easily started into this book loving the first encounter between Hunter and Emerson. The situation was just hilarious and had me laughing out loud. I also loved their flirty bantering and I was immediately intrigued with both characters.

Emerson was a fun girl who I liked a lot. I liked her down to earth character as well as her always having an answer for Hunter's cocky sayings.
Hunter was the typical football player: tall and handsome, a slight arrogant touch and full of himself but he was always the gentleman and simply a great guy.
Together the two were amazing and I loved every minute with them.

I never expected this book so emotionally touching but by the end the book had me in a crying mess.

I am really looking forward to the next book in the Lightning series.