
Loved it

Pucked (The Pucked Series) - Helena Hunting

Pucked (The Pucked Series)
von Helena Hunting

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

It's been a long time since I've read a book which has been so much fun in so many ways.

The story is very entertaining and everything I love about a good sports romance. The characters are absolutely sweet together and I loved them together.
The characters were really great too. Alex is such a sweet guy and it was easy to fall in love with him along with Violet.
Violet is just hilarious. Her comments made me laugh so hard. She might be a bit childish but for me it just fit with her personality. I liked that she says what's on her mind and has no problems with saying things.

Overall this book has so many sexy, romantic and laugh-out moments. I just loved it and I am looking forward to the other books in the series and anything else by Helena Hunting.