
Makes your heart beat faster

Eyes Turned Skyward - Rebecca Yarros

Eyes Turned Skyward
von Rebecca Yarros

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

Normally I don't read through the night to finish a book but last night I just couldn't put this book down. I needed to know how it ends.

It was such an emotional roller coaster ride. I was absolutely hooked with the book and realised my heart beating faster several times.

Paisley is not quite the typical cute and good girl. I really liked but I couldn't always understand her decisions, especially concerning her health problem. Jagger is awesome. I really liked him plus he is wearing an uniform. Do I have to say more? :p

I really liked the writing style and boy, that woman can write sex scenes *still waving for air*

Now I am waiting patiently for Grayson's book *need it now*