
Nice summer read

Nantucket Blue - Leila Howland

Nantucket Blue
von Leila Howland

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

Once in a while I do enjoy a sweet YA stories and I love when they are set at the coast or on an island during the summer time.

Nantucket Blue follows 17-year-old Cricket who spends her summer vacation on Nantucket even though her best friend Jules uninvited her from her familys house.

The book has a nice summery setting and I loved the descriptions of Nantucket. The story itself didn't quite work for me. There were some cute bits and overall the story is enjoyable but I wasn't really captured by the story and its characters. Many things remained very superficial and also the love story left me pretty untouched.

There are some open questions to the end but I still won't read the second book in this series.