
Not much festivity

The Best Little Christmas Shop - Maxine Morrey

The Best Little Christmas Shop
von Maxine Morrey

Bewertet mit 2.5 Sternen


The premise of the book had me hooked immediately and I was looking forward to a festive and cosy setting. Unfortunately the book couldn't live up to my expectations.

The little Christmas shop was hardly metioned in the story. There was a bit about in the beginning but then nothing anymore which had me really disappointed and could have built a strong festive setting. The setting was nice but had no festive or cosy atmosphere at all. Only to the end Christmas was mentioned and it got a little bit festive.

I found the storyline pretty boring and there was hardly anything happening. There were pretty long descriptions about the dates of Lexi and Cal as well as the past of Lexi. The characters weren't mine either, Lexi was pretty annoying and all the others characters were way too perfect without any flaws.

Although the story was very dragging, I got quickly through it which is a plus, otherwise I probably wouldn't have finished the book.