
Not what I expected

After the End - Amy Plum

After the End
von Amy Plum

Bewertet mit 2 Sternen

I haven't reread the blurb before I started this book, so I was expecting a thrilling dystopian story. The book turned out to be not exactly what I expected. Surprises can be good, this time it unfortunately wasn't a good one. I am seriously disappointed with this book.

It started out quite interesting and I really wanted to know what's going on there. The story got more and more weird. Not even the big secret behind everything was able to surprise me, there wasn't much room for a lot of guesses. It was pretty clear very soon.

My other problem were the characters: Juneau was completely nuts. She totally got on my nerves with her strange rituals and beliefs. It also bothered me that she didn't have any problems to find herself around in the big city, even though she spent all her life in the wilderness. Miles was just too shallow. I am not really able to characterise him. The love story felt forced as well.

Positive again was the writing style, it was fast-paced and easy to read.

I have the second book on pre-order and it's coming out in only a few days but I don't have the urge to continue reading this series.