
Nothing really happened.

Linger - Maggie Stiefvater

von Maggie Stiefvater

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

the longing. the loss. the linger.

Despite the writing being lyrical, the book failed to grab me. Well, I really hate to say it, but I did not love Linger. I tried to love it, but sadly, I just don’t. The book wasn't bad - rather slow, though - but it was one of those sequels that wouldn't really have been necessary in my opinion.

The focus of this story is Sam and Grace just trying to hold on to each other. Grace is sick and her absentee parents have finally decided to step in and try to keep them apart. Most of the novel is spent between the two of them just wishing they were with the other. Grace and Sam are definitely a likeable set of characters and the overall plot has a strong dose of intrigue to it. However, I found it a bit too slow paced for the first 300 pages or so as our main character suffered through headaches, fevers, bloody noses and fatigue waiting for the inevitable to occur.

I don't know, it's just while reading this it's like nothing was really happening until the last part when finally something happened. And what happened I really didn't like either. Plus the additional characters Cole and Isabel...I don't get them, I didn't feel like they have chemistry or whatever.

Linger just like Shiver ends on a major cliffhanger but I'm taking a break before reading Forever.