
Pushing the Limits #1.

Pushing the Limits (A Pushing the Limits Novel) - Katie Mcgarry

Pushing the Limits (A Pushing the Limits Novel)
von Katie McGarry

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

“Her shoulders never shook. No tears streamed down her face. The worst type of crying wasn’t the kind everyone could see–the wailing on street corners, the tearing at clothes. No, the worst kind happened when your soul wept and no matter what you did, there was no way to comfort it. A section withered and became a scar on the part of your soul that survived. For people like me and Echo, our souls contained more scar tissue than life.”

Pushing the Limits is about a boy with a past in ashes who fell in love with a girl whose memory was consumed by what she couldn’t remember.

A bad boy and a troubled girl are forced to work together to solve their problems, and in the meantime they manage to fall in love.
Echo is trying to remember a repressed memory from the night she almost died, and Noah is doing whatever he can to get custody of his brothers.

The book is told in alternating POVs with serves to show how different the worlds they come from are. The romantic relationship in this book builds slowly. Its not an undeniable- love-at-first-sight-instant-relationship kind of book. The personal journeys of the characters are the main focus of the storyline although they do end up together, both of them have been betrayed by life, and watching them learn to trust each other was really sweet.

The issues this book deals with are very serious. Abuse. Neglect. Truth. Lies. Love. Healing. The intensity of the bond between siblings. There is nothing lighthearted about this book. Its deeply, gut-wrenchingly emotional.

In the end, this book had two characters with amazing chemistry who I genuinely cared about each other. They were flawed and interesting, but there was too much doom, gloom and angsting going on. And I also would have wished for an epilogue. The book has a happy-for-now ending (and a sequel featuring some of the secondary characters on the way) but after all the heart ache in the book, I still would have liked a glimpse maybe 5 years into the future so see how things had worked out for them.