
Quick read with lots of action

Proxy - Alex London

von Alex London

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

The beginning is very action-packed and throws the reader right into the story. Bit by bit we get to know more about the characters and their destiny.

I really liked the premise with the proxies and patrons. To me that was something new in dystopian fiction. I also enjoyed the dark atmosphere of the book. Still I think there could have been a bit more world building, especially about the world itself and what happened in the past which made the world like it is now.

The characters were pretty likable but throughout the whole book they remained a bit shallow to me. I couldn't connect with them and wasn't hooked completely, even though I think they had a lot of potential in being different to the average YA books. 
Something I really missed in this book were emotions. The interactions between the characters remained very distant and everything was dealt with in a very short way.

Despite this I enjoyed the author's writing style which made the book a very fast-paced read.