
Romantic suspense

Hard Stick - L. P. Dover

Hard Stick
von L. P. Dover

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

I started this expecting the usual sports romance and was pretty surprised about the suspense part of this book.

The beginning threw me right into the suspense part and had me on the edge of tears within the first 20 pages. The suspense was build up nicely and always lunging in the background, so there was a constant tension.

The romance part was very enjoyable too. I loved Kellan and Kristen together and they had a gread chemistry. Especially Kellan was a great character, always there for Kristen and always caring for her. I also enjoyed the sports setting with the rest of his team. 

"Hard Stick" was a great romantic suspense and I am looking forward to read the other books in this series.