
Sometimes the wrong path can lead us to the right road.

Where the Road Takes Me - Jay McLean

Where the Road Takes Me
von Jay McLean

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

"Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I need it the most."

Where the Road Takes Me is a story about two teenagers named Blake and Chloe.

Told in dual points of view Where The Road Takes Me brings these two unlikely people together.
Chloe- closed off reluctant to form any bonds or connections.
Blake- the very well known-rich-jock who put's on a facade in public.
After a chance meeting in the middle of the night Blake can't get her out of his head.

I had some issues with this story. I could understand why Chloe did some of the things she did, it didn’t make me any less frustrated with her. Chloe would make some headway with me then do something to infuriate me all over again. Blake on the other hand was pretty great. He saw something in Chloe that made him want to be different. Make different choices and not be the guy he’s been.

I absolutely LOVED the secondary characters in this story. I felt like they added a lot of value to the story, and as the story progressed I genuinely cared about them.

Jay McLean is an amazing writer. She has such a way with words and there were many beautiful quotes and moments that stuck with me.
It's simple.. She writes. I read.

Although it didn’t hit all my love buttons like the More Than This books, and I personally had a few issues with the heroine and aspects of the story, it was still overall an enjoyable and entertaining book for me.

I feel very conflicted in reviewing this one. Mainly because Jay McLean is a fantastic writer and this book has so many great quotes and memorable moments. In the end I think some may enjoy this story, while others will be very frustrated. I can see the beauty in this story, but I can also remember my level of frustration at times.