
Submissive #4

Seduced By Fire: A Partners In Play Novel - Tara Sue Me

Seduced By Fire: A Partners In Play Novel
von Tara Sue Me

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

“For me, there’s something liberating in knowing you can drop all your worries, cares, and inhibitions and just feel for a while. Trust someone else to take care of everything. To take care of you.”

Julie is a florist – a modest job for a modest woman. She’s in business with her best friend, who also happens to be a submissive. And one day she meets Daniel, who is in her flower shop making a purchase with his grandmother. She feels an instant connection to him, an attraction she can’t deny. And that attraction is mutual. Neither of them can stop thinking of the other.

From the moment you meet Daniel, he's instantly likable. He's good natured, fair, and confident in his sexuality. Julie is strong, successful, and not a push-over. Julie and Daniel are great together and the connection is instantaneous. I really liked them together and I liked their relationship.

These characters are well-rounded and written with a love and care that jumps from the pages.This is a beautiful story of Dominance, submission and friendships.

This was a really quick and really fun read. I can honestly say that I could not put it down. It had a very addictive quality to it. One where from the moment I began, I just needed to know where the story was going and where the characters would end up. The characters are likable and they have great chemistry.

Tara Sue Me can write a book and just capture me within the first chapter. I love that. I love her easy writing, her no-fuss manner. Her books are a breeze and refreshing. I’m looking forward to the upcoming installments in this series. And she did a great job setting up the love stories we’ll read in the future.

Excellent read! Four and a half stars.