
The Anatomical Shape of a Heart or Night Owls

The Anatomical Shape of a Heart - Jenn Bennett

The Anatomical Shape of a Heart
von Jenn Bennett

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

His gaze lifted and met mine. We stared at each other. And stared. And stared… A strange heat sparked inside my chest and spread over my skin.—I didn’t know what was happening between us, but I honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if the Owl had burst into flames, veered off the road, and exploded in a fiery inferno.

Beatrix  Adams wants to be a medical illustrator, a highly competitive field, and is trying to win scholarship money to aid that future. After trying to get a seat in the Willed Bodies program of her local hospital she misses the train home and must take the late Owl bus where she meets Jack. Their chemistry is immediate and mutual.

But on their journey, Bex figures out Jack is an infamous graffiti artist. Does she want to get involved with trouble? The pull to him is undeniable and they end up crossing paths and hearts, navigating first love and family drama along the way.

It’s been a while since I read a young adult romance. I actually don’t read many young adult stories anymore. Despite portraying a healthy young couple with some good chemistry, The Anatomical Shape of a Heart didn’t do much for me. I admire the honest conversations about sex and the message that you should fight to make your dreams come true, but for the rest this story just didn't have enough.If this book wanted more than three stars, it needed to be a whole lot better. The characters, the plot and the romance are just not particularly memorable.