
To All the Boys I've Loved Before #3.

Always and Forever, Lara Jean - Jenny Han

Always and Forever, Lara Jean
von Jenny Han

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

❝One day all of this will be proof, proof that we were here, proof that we loved each other. It’s the guarantee that no matter what happens to us in the future, this time was ours.❞

It all started with a love letter.

Lara Jean and her boyfriend Peter are in their last year in high school. Lara Jean is hoping that she'll get into UVA. As she'll be with Peter but also remain with her family while she's at college. Her father's relationship with Ms. Rothschild is going well. In fact Ms. Rothschild has become apart of the family.

Like the previous books there is such a large emphasis on family. Margot, Kitty, their father, and Lara Jean are a very close knit family. Ms. Rothschild and Peter are additions to their family.

This felt like the most mature of the books. I loved that, as the books went on, the complexity of the issues Lara Jean and Peter face increases. Jenny Han really captures anxieties around growing up and how it feels to have to tackle these changes you feel are so enormous, and she writes about them so well.

I think overall I would give this trilogy a solid 3.5 stars. I liked the third book more than the second, though.
 I liked the emphasis on family and culture in this trilogy which is probably why I enjoyed it more than similar YA contemporaries. The last book seemed to drag a lot and I would have probably preferred if it was a novella to wrap up the story rather than a 320 page book. There was just a lot of filler scenes.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before is a very light and simple trilogy. I don't think I really needed to read it - I don't think I would have missed out on anything - but it was fun anyway. And sometimes a lighthearted and gentle read is all you really need.

I was expecting an epilogue, that showed Peter and Lara Jean married with kids and still super in love and perfect. ;)