
Very entertaining

Truth Or Date - Portia Macintosh

Truth Or Date
von Portia MacIntosh

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

Thanks to Netgalley and Carina UK for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

First, I absolutely love the cover. I have a very sweet spot for chick lit covers and this one is stunning. I would love a real copy in my hands.

Truth or Date is a typical chick-lit story following a quirky protagonist looking for her Mr. Right. I really liked Ruby, she is funny, honest and a little bit crazy. Her best friend Mills is hilarious too.

The story is kind of predictable but I enjoyed it a lot. It was a lot of fun following Ruby with her different dates, rolling from one disaster to the next. There were definetely some weird dates.

This was my first book by Portia Macintosh. I enjoyed her writing style a lot, so I am going to have a look at her other books and will defintely read more by her.