
'Wait for you' from Cams POV.

Trust in Me (A Novella) (Wait For You) - J. Lynn

Trust in Me (A Novella) (Wait For You)
von J. Lynn

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

"Thank you for trusting me."

'It's Wait for You as you've never seen it. Trust in Me lets you in on Cam's side of the story.'

This book’s a retelling of Wait for You from Cam’s POV. I'm not going to write a review, since I already did that for WFY. If you want my whole review, just read my full review of Wait for You.

Cam’s point of view throws some light on unanswered questions from Avery’s part of story. Everything unfolds and unravels in our eyes as J. Lynn shows us the boy, we fell in love with.

So, the very best part of this novella: Cam. The fact that it was in his pov, plus... I just love this guy! I mean, what isn’t to love? He’s sweet, charming, funny and swoony. A perfect book boyfriend!

Read if you enjoyed Wait for You.