
Scardust - Suzanne Van Rooyen


von Suzanne van Rooyen

A new adult gay romance from Entangled's Embrace imprint...

Sometimes answers fall from the sky...

Dead Rock, Texas, 2037

Raleigh Williams made a promise to his brother before he died, that he'd scatter his ashes on Mars. Desperate to leave a life of bad memories behind and start over in the Martian colony, Raleigh fully intends to keep that promise. But his plans are thwarted when a meteor near-misses him in the desert, and Raleigh finds in its crater not debris or even a spacecraft, but a man covered in swirling scars and with no memory of who he is. At least he looks like a man-a man Raleigh can't seem to keep his eyes off of-but whenever they touch it ignites a memory swap between them.

Raleigh agrees to help Meteor Man piece together his life through their cosmic connection. But the memory share goes both ways, and Raleigh becomes inexplicably entangled with a guy who is everything he needs-everything good that Raleigh is not-but might not even be human. As their minds and worlds collide, reality unravels and Raleigh must face a painful truth, one that could shatter his dreams of finding love, reaching Mars, and fulfilling his brother's last wish.

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Herz und Köpfchen

Ich habe wenig Erfahrung mit LSBTTIQ-Literatur. Um die Gay Romance habe ich bisher einen großen Bogen gemacht, weil ich – wie ihr mittlerweile wissen dürftet – kein Fan von Liebesgeschichten bin. Ich weiß, dass sich dieses spezielle Genre eines stetigen wachsenden Publikums erfreut, mir war allerdings nicht klar, dass die Kategorisierung als Gay Romance nicht zwangsläufig bedeutet, dass das entsprechende Buch als klassischer Liebesroman betitelt werden kann. Jede Genre-Kombination ist...


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301 Seiten
Februar 2016
Entangled Publishing, LLC
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 3.5 (1 Bewertung)

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