
Happy Hour in Hell - Tad Williams

Happy Hour in Hell

von Tad Williams

Bobby Dollar has a problem or four of epic proportions. Problem one: his best friend Sam has given him an angel's feather that also happens to be evidence of an unholy pact between Bobby's employers and those who dwell in the infernal depths. Problem two: Eligor, Grand Duke of Hell, wants to get his claws on the feather at all costs, but particularly at all cost to Bobby . Problem three: Bobby has fallen in love with Casimira, Countess of Cold Hands, who just happens to be Eligor's girlfriend. Problem four: Eligor, aware of Problem three, has whisked Casimira off to the Bottomless Pit itself, telling Bobby he will never see her again unless he hands over the feather.

But Bobby, long-time veteran of the endless war between above and below, is not the type of guy who finds Hell intimidating. All he has to do is toss on a demon's body, sneak through the infernal gates, solve the mystery of the angel's feather, and rescue the girl. Saving the day should just be a matter of an eon or two of anguish, mutilation and horror.

If only it were that easy.

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Dadurch hat sich für mich im Nachhinein einfach die Frage gestellt: “Wozu das Ganze?”

Mehr Rezensionen findet ihr auf meinem Blog: Anima Libri - Buchseele

Ich weiß nicht, was ich von diesem Buch halten soll… “Dunkle Gassen des Himmels”, der erste Band von Tad Williams Serie rund um Bobby Dollar, Engel auf Erden und Anwalt verlorener Seelen, hat mich wirklich begeistern können. Aber dieser zweite Teil? Das Problem ist – und Achtung, ab hier gibt es dicke, fette, eklige SPOILER! - das Ende.

Ich fand Tad Williams Schreibstil toll...


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Science Fiction - Fantasy
416 Seiten
März 2014
Hodder & Stoughton
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