
Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy : by Joseph Mercola | The Mindset Warrior Summary Guide (( Ketogenic Diet, Metabolic Diet, Mitochondrial Dysfunction )) - The Mindset Warrior

Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy : by Joseph Mercola | The Mindset Warrior Summary Guide (( Ketogenic Diet, Metabolic Diet, Mitochondrial Dysfunction ))

von The Mindset Warrior

An Easy to Digest Summary Guide...

If you're looking for alternative methods to heal from certain diseases or you're simply looking to recharge your mitochondrial health for a more energizing life experience, you're going to want to read this one..

The Mindset Warrior Summary Guides, provides you with a unique summarized version of the core information contained in the full book, and the essentials you need in order to fully comprehend and apply.

Maybe you've read the original book but would like a reminder of the information? Maybe you haven't read the book, but want a short summary to save time? Maybe you'd just like a summarized version to refer to in the future?

In any case, The Mindset Warrior Summary Guides can provide you with just that.

Lets get Started. Download Your Book Today....

NOTE: To Purchase the "Fat for Fuel"(full book); which this is not, simply type in the name of the book in the search bar of your bookstore

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch


Dr. Mercola bringt es auf den Punkt. Dieses Buch zeigt die Wichtigkeit von Fett in der Ernährung und welches positiven Auswirkungen es auf die Gesundheit hat. Die Auswirkungen von Ketonkörpern als Energiequelle und für die Gehirnleistung sind atemberaubend. Ich kann dieses Buch nur empfehlen!


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