
Driving Miss Norma - Tim Bauerschmidt, Ramie Liddle

Driving Miss Norma

von Tim Bauerschmidt Ramie Liddle

When Miss Norma was diagnosed with uterine cancer, she was advised to undergo surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. But instead of confining herself to a hospital bed for what could be her last stay, Miss Norma—newly widowed after nearly seven decades of marriage—rose to her full height of five feet and told the doctor, "I'm ninety years old. I'm hitting the road.”

And so Miss Norma took off on an unforgettable around-the-country journey in a thirty-six-foot motor home with her retired son Tim, his wife Ramie, and their dog Ringo.

As this once timid woman says "yes” to living in the face of death, she tries regional foods for the first time, reaches for the clouds in a hot air balloon, and mounts up for a horseback ride. With each passing mile (and one educational visit to a cannabis dispensary), Miss Norma's health improves and conversations that had once been taboo begin to unfold. Norma, Tim, and Ramie bond in ways they had never done before, and their definitions of home, family, and friendship expand. Stop by stop, state by state, they meet countless people from all walks of life—strangers who become fast friends and welcome them with kindness and open hearts.

Infused with this irrepressible nonagenarian's wisdom, courage, and generous spirit, Driving Miss Norma is the charming, infectiously joyous chronicle of their experiences on the road. It portrays a transformative journey of living life on your own terms that shows us it is never too late to begin an adventure, inspire hope, or become a trailblazer.

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Ein intensives Jahr im Angesicht des Todes

90 Jahre alt, nach siebzigjähriger Ehe verwitwet, und dann die Krebsdiagnose – Zeit zum Abschied nehmen? Nicht für Miss Norma, die Operation und Chemotherapie verweigert und beschließt, gemeinsam mit Sohn Tim, Schwiegertochter Ramie und dem Familienpudel Ringo zu ihrer letzten großen Reise aufzubrechen. Gemeinsam wollen sie sich auf das große Unbekannte einlassen und in einem Camper auf einen Roadtrip quer durch die Vereinigten Staaten gehen. Und auch die Öffentlichkeit darf an diesem...


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256 Seiten
Mai 2017
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