
Spooky Little Girl - Laurie Notaro

Spooky Little Girl

von Laurie Notaro

Death is what happens while you're busy making other plans.

Coming home from a Hawaiian vacation with her best girlfriends, Lucy Fisher is stunned to find everything she owns tossed out on her front lawn, the locks changed, and her fiancé's phone disconnected-plus she's just lost her job. With her world spinning wildly out of her control, Lucy decides to make a new start and moves upstate to live with her sister and nephew.

But then things take an even more dramatic turn: A fatal encounter with public transportation lands Lucy not in the hereafter but in the nearly hereafter. She's back in school, learning the parameters of spooking and how to become a successful spirit in order to complete a ghostly assignment. If Lucy succeeds, she's guaranteed a spot in the next level of the afterlife-but until then, she's stuck as a ghost in the last place she would ever want to be.

Trying to avoid being trapped on earth for all eternity, Lucy crosses the line between life and death and back again when she returns home. Navigating the perilous channels of the paranormal, she's determined to find out why her life crumbled and why, despite her ghastly death, no one seems to have noticed she's gone. But urgency on the spectral plane-in the departed person of her feisty grandmother, who is risking both their eternal lives-requires attention, and Lucy realizes that you get only one chance to be spectacular in death.

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Ein irrwitziger Roman voller Humor und Dramatik!

Zu allerestes besticht bei „Spooky Little Girl“ das leuchtend gelbe Cover mit einer Abbildung eines Geistermädchens in grünem Kleid und roten Pumps, was mich auf dem Mängelexemplar-Tisch wie magisch angezogen hat. Schnell war das Buch gekauft, und ehrlich gesagt fast genauso schnell gelesen.

Laurie Notaro hat einen herrlich flüssigen und lebendigen Schreibstil, der einen schnell in seinen Bann zieht. Dazu kommt eine überaus kreative Geschichte mit authentischen Charakteren und jede...


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304 Seiten
April 2010
Random House Publishing Group
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