
4,5 stars

A Wedding In December -

A Wedding In December
von Sarah Morgan

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

If you're searching for a nice, cute read for Christmas - this might be it! The story is soft with just the right amount of tension, heartbreak and drama. I love the family dynamic, especially between the two sisters. I feel like it might hit home for some of the readers with siblings! I liked all the characters, even if I agree with the thought of the older sister and mother (about the wedding).

Rosie is rushing to get married, which in general, i don't enjoy reading. A 22 year-old woman who gets married just a short time after meeting her fiancé is just not it (at least for me!). But other than that the story was delightful. I enjoyed reading it from start to end and highly recommend it for cold winter days.