
As always a good read

Say No More - Karen Rose

Say No More
von Karen Rose

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

SAY NO MORE is the second book in Karen Rose's Sacramento series and it is starting around six weeks after SAY YOU’RE SORRY.


17 years ago Mercy escaped the “Eden Cult”. The escape has costed her mother her life. Ephraim, her “husband”, which marry has to married off at the age of twelve was told she has died while escaping. But Ephraim discovered due to the events which are happening in SAY YOU’RE SORRY that she is alive and that he was lied to.

Mercy returned to Sacramento. She wants to see if there is more between her and homicide detective Rafe and to apologize to her brother Gideon for running away after being saved from a serial killer. While at the airport, Ephraim, her “husband” tried to abduct her. Mercy and Rafe are determined to find and uncover the cult’s secrets as Ephraim leaves a trail of dead bodies. He has only one intent and he is willing to do anything to take Mercy back to the “Eden” alive. Because he wants the cult’s money and that is handled by the one who told him Mercy was dead. So he needs to proof to the cult that one of their elders is at fault and needs to be punished so Ephraims way to the resources is free.



I have read the first book of the Sacramento series SAY YOU’RE SORRY one and a half years before SAY NO MORE was published. Therefore I had some troubles remembering what happened because SAY NO MORE picks right off where SAY YOU'RE SORRY left off. I needed to stop in the middle of the first chapter, picked up SAY YOU’RE SORRY and reread the book. With this background information it was easy to get into the story of SAY NO MORE. I would suggest to (re-)read the first book before.

I am not a religious person therefore I have no understanding nor sympathy about the whole cult culture. I guess that is understandable that the storyline of a cult is not one of my favourite plots. It was very hard for me to understand why someone is willing to give everything up to a group, is restricted by (old-fashioned) rules and especially by get married of to someone you don’t want to marry just because the leader decided it. Karen Rose really tried to explain reasons behind the whys of people joining and staying in the cult but I still could not get it. But I guess that is just me.


As always with the author there were many deaths during the exciting chase. Which I really love. Unfortunately this time Karen Rose overdid it with the drama in this book. A little less would have been better and kept the plot more lively.