
Aweome dystopia

The Testing - Joelle Charbonneau

The Testing
von Joelle Charbonneau

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

I have been a little scared to read this books as there are very mixed reviews about this book but I was worried for nothing. I ended really enjoying this book.

I was suprised with a great setting and a very detailed and interesting world-building. I am always a fan of books describing how the world we now know ended and what the new world is looking like.

Cia is a kick-ass heroine which I liked very much. She was able to team up as well as living for herself. I also liked that she didn't went all gooey over the male protagonist. There is a love story but it stays in the background which suited perfectly well into this story. I found it very suspenseful that the reader couldn't be sure which of her teammates could be trusted.

The book was a real pageturner for me with many shock effects. I can't wait to read the other 2 books and I am glad I already have them on my reader.