
Cosy read

Christmas at the Log Fire Cabin - Catherine Ferguson

Christmas at the Log Fire Cabin
von Catherine Ferguson

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen


"Christmas at the Log Fire Cabin" had me totally mesmerized by its cosy and beautiful cover. The blurb got me interested as well and I was looking forward to the book.

I got easily into the story and I really liked the characters, except Harrison, the boyfriend of the main character Poppy. He was totally getting on my nerves and I couldn't understand what Poppy saw in him.

I was looking forward to the setting in and around the Log Fire Cabin. It was really nice and cosy as well but I have to say I expected a little bit more. More romance, more cosiness and more Christmas.

The story was enjoyable and it was a cute festive read which could have had a bit more romance and Christmas.