
Cowboys falling in love

Let It Ride - L. C. Chase

Let It Ride
von L. C. Chase

Bewertet mit 2.5 Sternen

Let it ride: 
Seems like I am always picking a book in a serie I haven't read the first installment. So I didn't knew about Book 1, Martys Story, and serously you never feel feel out of place. Let it ride is a perfect stand alone and knows to entertain without any further knowledge. Riptide manages to take good care of that point. 
So the story itself is pretty straight. You know what you get and that's alright. 2 Cowboys falling in love while one of them is not gay and the other too much hurt to trust. Nothing new, no surprises along the way. I liked the "break up" most but wished for more pages describing Bridges pain and despair. I always wish for more pages with Riptide books so you see I can't get enough. 
There were some unnecessary sexsecenes in it, as almost always. Before Eric truly believes Bridges feelings he agrees to be just friends with benefits and that is something completly reduntant for me. I prefer drama and longing and pain, haha. 
But yeah, it was too be expected and I wasn't surprised. 
Also I was hoping for more Cowboy related stuff. I don't know much about Cowboys but had the feeling that this fact was really unimportant somehow. More cowboystuff next time, please! Although I did liked the book ( I read in in one sitting ) I don't think I gonna follow this series as the main concept is reused in so many stories and series that I prefer to stick with the series I already know.