
Dissection of the mind

Nine Perfect Strangers - Liane Moriarty

Nine Perfect Strangers
von Liane Moriarty

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

Liane Moriarty has the incredible ability to describe the minds of people to the point, authentic and in a way that is a pleasure to read.

I felt most connected to Frances, not least because I completely agree with her that I can give up wine and talking and maybe also sweets, but I definitely cannot give up reading a book for a few days that are supposed to be like a holiday. But Frances also feels like a more major character than most of the others, probably because we get to know her quite good and she also observes for us some of the other guests at Tranquillum House.

When the story came to the lock-in it was probably supposed to get suspenseful. For me the opposite happened, I found the first part, where we met all the different characters and heard their stories, a lot more interesting than how these strangers interact in a serious situation.

The epilogue, where we learn where everybody is at a week, a month, a year... after those days at Tranquillum House, was very informative and a perfect round-up to the story.