
Gives you goosebumps (or worse)

The Devil's Fingers - Hunter Shea

The Devil's Fingers
von Hunter Shea

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

The title says it all.

The third installment in the 'One Size Eats All' series is about a very deadly type of fungus called 'The Devil's Fingers'. The nasty thing about it is that it's airborne, meaning you can't escape or fight it the way you might a walking creature. This horror specimen really gave me the creeps, however the characters did not, and while I did enjoy the story, it was not as entertaining as the previously featured Iguanas or the rats (my personal favorite). Maybe that was due to the slightly serious undertone referring to some chemical pollution that may have caused the fungus to mutate. But mostly I did not care for the characters, who felt like a list of stereotypical dummies but not much like real people. On the upside, I wasn't too sorry for them to fall prey to the Devil's Fingers. And I really loved the mean ending. Still good, just not quite as good as the others.

(Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)