
Infuriating but oh so important!

Invisible Women -

Invisible Women
von Caroline Criado Perez

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

This was an infuriating read! I got so angry at times and I can't count how often I raised an eyebrow (or both at the same time) in disbelief. I was aware of the gender data gap, but having global information through studies, percentages and statistics on a whole (if it exists, because damn, there are some deep dark holes) made me even more aware about the impact that seemingliy little details have.

Although Caroline Criado Perez uses some sassyness, it is not a plain rant about how women are treated (or not treated at all). Rather it is a summary of her findings, so you will be confronted with a lot of numbers right from the start. I did took my time reading this book, because I wanted to take in all the information, that the author is sharing. She also says, that due to lack of data, there are a lot of assumed numbers. I was blown away with how much the data gap is affecting women on a global scale.

What I really liked was the fact, that she did not exclude racial inequality. This is a big plus, because sexism and racism go hand in hand. While the male means default human, the white woman will still get better treatment in, for example, a hospital than any woman of color. But the white woman may not have the right dose of medication she needs, because testing is mainly done on men.
Criado Perez points out, that women are very visible, when sexualised, but invisible, when it actually counts. Women get, deliberately or not, ignored and more than often noone bothers to ask them for their needs. To this day genital hygene products like tampons or pads are not easily excessible for every woman. That is infuriating!

In conclusion: Talk to women. Include women in decision making on a larger scale.