
It was ok

Christmas at the Little Village Bakery - Tilly Tennant

Christmas at the Little Village Bakery
von Tilly Tennant

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

Christmas at the Little Village Bakery is the second book in the Honeybourne series.

I enjoyed the wintery setting in the little town but the story itself couldn't really touch me. It was fine to read but I missed some sparkles which drew me into the story.
The characters were likable but none who I really liked or touched me. Some storyparts and character developments rather annoyed me.

I am also a bit disappointed that the bakery played such a little role in the books. I really wish there would have been a bit more about the business, its development and the life with it.

The writing style is fast-paced and enjoyable. I am looking forward to more books by the author and hope they will be able to touch me more.