
Love story in Manhattan

Sunset in Central Park - Sarah Morgan

Sunset in Central Park
von Sarah Morgan

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

Since reading "Sleepless in Manhattan" I have been excited to find out about Frankies story.

It took me a while to connect with Frankie and it was a rather a slow progress for me. I liked that she was a fellow redhead as well as a bookworm. I really enjoyed some of her bookworm nerdiness. I understood her insecurities concerning relationships and where she was coming from but this also made it a bit difficult to really like her. In the beginning she felt rather distant to me but throughout the book I was warming up with her.
I really liked Matt though, still I had the feeling that I wasn't able to see his complete character. He was a wonderful, honest and caring man but sometimes I had the feeling he remained a bit shallow.

I loved the moments between Matt and Frankie, they were really cute together but there could have been some more sparks.

Sarah Morgan is a wonderful author and she captures the reader really quickly with her writing which makes it really hard to put her books down.