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Maybe This Time - A. M. Arthur

Maybe This Time
von A. M. Arthur

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

And here was my luck again! I always end up starting a serie with the second in order. At least I am used to it! This I am at least able to tell if there is a necessary in reading the first one. You get that ther eis more of a backgroundstory with Jaime and Alessandro, but it doesn't alter the fun in reading about Donner and Ezra. I particulary liked their names! A premiere! You get what you asked for, so there are no big surprised in this story. For someone who's read a lot of these kind of books there is definitly nothing too remarkable but thanks to the writing it is definitly in my Top 3 of favourites gay romance bookseries! I was hocked immediatly! And even for a beginner it's great explanations along the way. My coworker read some pages and has no idea about anything on that matter. So, on one page he asked "What does that mean? Oh nevermind, here's the explanation" and I was quite happy about that. As I was expecting some more struggeling for both Ezra and Donner I was a little bit dissapointed by that fast happy end. While this was not to my liking I cannot wait to read about Brendan and Romy as it was quite clear that they would be featured next. Or that is just my hope. I really really really want to next book to be about them. Thanks to this and the topic of abuse in a relationship and also from parents ( So shoking, I could believe what I read there ); 4 Stars! PS: really nice book design! I loved that it was romantic instead of erotic.