
Nice romance

Anything But Love -

Anything But Love
von Abigail Strom

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

I didn't have any expectations about "Anything but love", so this book came by a nice surprise.

Jessica is getting stood up on her wedding day and has no idea what to do with her future. Honeymoon is also booked and then she meets Ben, an old childhood friend, at her wedding reception. Together they decide to go on the honeymoon to Bermuda.

I really liked the setting in the tropical surroundings and the activities. Jessica and Ben also had a nice chemistry and I enjoyed them being together.

Jessica was an interesting character and I liked her development throughout the story. Ben was a really nice and down-to-earth guy, but remained a little bit shallow sometimes.

The story was very enjoyable and I was surprised the smooth writing and storyline.