
Not healthy

Love and Other Words -

Love and Other Words
von Christina Lauren

Bewertet mit 1 Sternen

I had high hopes for this book since I've heard amazing things about it. The first few pages were nice, but the story is rather flat, which made it heart to enjoy the storyline from the beginning. The love story is based on trauma and lots of red flags are around. The "cute teenage romance" felt more like a burden both parts had to carry on throughout the years. Nothing felt true, deep or loving about it. 



The end was a complete disaster. It felt like the author tried desperately to create more tension and trauma over trauma.. I don't think the two love interests should be together. Rather, I'd like them a few miles apart and working on their past (without  each other). Both are codependent, toxic and the teenage past (he basically cheats on her and her dad dies... after years they start to date again.) should have stayed in the past. I read the book completely but to be honest it was a waste of time.