
Positive surprise

You Drive Me Crazy -

You Drive Me Crazy
von Anna Premoli

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

I started "You drive me crazy" with hardly any expectations and it came as a positive surprise.

Maddinson isn't looking forward to spend a year abroad with her job, especially not Seoul as her dream was New York. Another down for her is her new grumpy boss Mark.

In the beginning I had some struggles with the characters and couldn't connect with them but it got better after a while. I had a lot of fun going to Seoul with Maddison as well as Mark. I found it very entertaining how Maddison had to get used to the new lifestyle but also getting to know Mark better.

The setting in Seoul was also also very nice and the author showed the differences between the cultures and how a European is a little bit struggling in the Korean culture.

The love story was cute but also got a little bit spicy. Maddison and Mark made a nice couple and I really enjoyed their story.