
The Love Bus

That Night In Paris (The Holiday Romance, Book 2) - Sandy Barker

That Night In Paris (The Holiday Romance, Book 2)
von Sandy Barker

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

The titel of the book is a bit misleading. This book is not just about a night in Paris, but about a trip around Europe. The cities they visited all sounded absolutely gorgeous, I hugely enjoyed the sights Sandy Barker mentioned - some I have already seen myself, like the warthog in Florence, others that I needed to google to get an idea what they are talking about - like the Lion of Lucerne or the Marly Horses at the Louvre (I even googled Tim Tams, never heard of them before!). I also have never ever heard of Lauterbrunnen, but according to Cat it is the most beautiful spot on the whole trip!

But there isn't only sightseeing in this story, there is also lots of friendship and also love. I enjoyed the friendship part, although I found it a bit exaggerated. Saying "I love you" to your new (female) friends/"bus besties"? And I often wanted to have a good talking to Cat during the love part of the story. She was really getting on my nerves a couple of times there. And not only when she mentioned her 'lady parts' every fifth sentence (and first of all calling them that!). More often than not she created problems where there weren't any, starting with her reason for going on this trip in the first place.

All in all a nice chick-lit with wonderful ideas for your next city trip.