
The Returned

The Returned
von Jason Mott

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

This novel is preceded by three short stories; The First, The Sparrow and The Choice. These are not necessary to read, but good to start with.

The story is about dead people who return on a different part of the world, where they have originally died. They also return in the same age and status before they died. They also are not aware that they had been dead, but confused why they beloved ones are older.

The main plot is about the 8 year old Jacob and his parents, which are at least forty years older before he died.

It is also about people’s reaction about the returned, especially when they overgrow the “real-living”. How the US and other government’s react and how they handling the situation.

This novel is worth to be read, because it gives you a new point of viewing daily business.

Why you ask?

Just to be truthfully it is a really good story and keep you on reading, until you finish. The end is really good written.


Please be aware that there is a series based on this novel. But from the commercials I have seen so far not 100% adapted.