
This book literally made me thrill and chill all over!

Eighteen Below - Stefan Ahnhem

Eighteen Below
von Stefan Ahnhem

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

4,5 Stars 

The case Fabian Risk and his colleagues have to solve is innovative, twisted and suspenseful until the last minute. The last 40 minutes of reading I was almost biting my nails, that's how nervous I was of how it will play out in the end.

My only criticism is that this book was a bit overstuffed with story-lines. Especially in the beginning there was a constant switching of scenes, and new figures were introduced in every chapter. It took me a while to get them all sorted in my head. I think that the story-line concerning Dunja should have better been a separate book altogether, and not squeezed into here. But Stefan Ahnhem wrote it as it is, and he wrote a pretty amazing book.