
Tremendous Coming-of-Age from Canada

Tremendous Things -

Tremendous Things
von Susin Nielsen

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

This is a really tremendous book, and not only for teenagers but also for "old" people like me. Susin Nielsen still knows how to write from the perspective of an adolescent and make it all completely authentic, humorous, moving (without getting corny) and unique. 

"Tremendous Things" is a book about self-confidence and self-esteem. About understanding who you are and accepting you the way you are (but also with a little make-over to bring you, your hairstyle, your clothes and your body "up to date"). And last but not least it is also a book about friendships, in various shapes and forms.

I very much enjoyed accompanying Wilbur on his journey (all the way to Paris and back) and actually liked every single character in this book. Ok, apart from Tyler and Dmitry. But who counts them anyway?